would the 7 coats of polycrylic fill in the texture?
the countertop came out great!
----- Original Message -----From: RogerSent: Sunday, September 04, 2011 8:54 AMSubject: Re: [DIY] Faux Granite tops
How smooth is the surface? I've seen a product called Spreadstone and Spreadrock that is like a paint on stone looking treatment. The problem with those was the texture which I am betting would hold dirt and grime too well. In any case, this looks like a great job! Let us know how durable it is! Good work Linda!
P.S. How noxious are the fumes? Any worse than regular paint?
--- On Sun, 9/4/11, Linda Kinder <rocknlindak@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Linda Kinder <rocknlindak@yahoo.com>
Subject: [DIY] Faux Granite tops [12 Attachments]
To: "Thrifty decor" <Thrifty-Decor@yahoogroups.com>, "Frugal-nomics" <Frugal-nomics@yahoogroups.com>, DoIt_Yourself@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, September 4, 2011, 4:16 AM
I have been installing "granite" counter tops ha ha.I saw this site for how to paint your counter tops to look like granite. So that is what I am doing with the kitchen. I have been taking pictures each step of the way.I started out wiping the counters with vinegar to clean them. (already had on hand)Then wiped them with liquid sander to give a little bit of tooth to the surface. (already had on hand)Next I painted on 2 coats of Kilz 2 latex primer. (quart $6.97 at Walmart, and .70 cent foam brush)Now for the granite look I used my craft paints and an old sea sponge. (already had on hand)The last step is 7 coats of polycrylic. (quart $16.28 at Walmart, and 3 foam brushes .70 cents each)I knew I wanted the counter tops to have some blue, grey, black, and silver in them. They way they turned out reminds me of the Van Gogh picture Starry Night. I think they are pretty. And they will compliment my blue and grey Pfaltzgraff Yorktown dishes very nicely.I applied 7 coats of polycrylic. Then I need to let the counters cure for a week or two before I set anything real heavy on them, such as my Kitchen Aid mixer. I have only done the kitchen island, and the counter top that is between the living room and kitchen. Later on after this is all cured well, I will do the counter top where my sink and stove top are. For that one I have ordered Enviro-tex lite. That would give the appearance of 50 coats of varnish in one application. The cheapest I have found it is $79.99 for a gallon on EBay. That is about half price. I wish I could use it for all the counter tops, but I would need 3 gallons. The polycrylic will be fine for these. In the tutorial, the lady shows counter tops that she did 2 years ago and had used the polycrylic and they still look real nice. For the two counter tops I have done already my total cost $26.75, not bad for "granite" counter tops. I still have enough Kilz , Deglosser, vinegar and craft paint for the next counter top.I will let you know how that one turns out when I get it done.Linda
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