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05 September 2011

Re: [DIY] Faux Granite tops


Hi Suzie, My original counter tops were not textured, so I am not sure if it would fill in texture for you or not. It might, but you may need several more coats than 7, and you may need to sand lightly with fine sandpaper between the coats.
Thank you I think they turned out very nice too!

GOD is GOOD ALL the TIME!!!!!

--- On Sun, 9/4/11, suzie <> wrote:

From: suzie <>
Subject: Re: [DIY] Faux Granite tops
Date: Sunday, September 4, 2011, 8:22 AM


would the 7 coats of polycrylic fill in the texture?
the countertop came out great!
----- Original Message -----
From: Roger
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2011 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: [DIY] Faux Granite tops

How smooth is the surface? I've seen a product called Spreadstone and Spreadrock that is like a paint on stone looking treatment. The problem with those was the texture which I am betting would hold dirt and grime too well. In any case, this looks like a great job! Let us know how durable it is! Good work Linda!

P.S. How noxious are the fumes? Any worse than regular paint?

--- On Sun, 9/4/11, Linda Kinder <> wrote:

From: Linda Kinder <>
Subject: [DIY] Faux Granite tops [12 Attachments]
To: "Thrifty decor" <>, "Frugal-nomics" <>,
Date: Sunday, September 4, 2011, 4:16 AM

I have been installing "granite" counter tops ha ha.
I saw this site for how to paint your counter tops to look like granite. So that is what I am doing with the kitchen. I have been taking pictures each step of the way.
I started out wiping the counters with vinegar to clean them. (already had on hand)
Then wiped them with liquid sander to give a little bit of tooth to the surface. (already had on hand)
Next I painted on 2 coats of Kilz 2 latex primer. (quart $6.97 at Walmart, and .70 cent foam brush)
Now for the granite look I used my craft paints and an old sea sponge. (already had on hand)
The last step is 7 coats of polycrylic. (quart $16.28 at Walmart, and 3 foam brushes .70 cents each)
I knew I wanted the counter tops to have some blue, grey, black, and silver in them. They way they turned out reminds me of the Van Gogh picture Starry Night. I think they are pretty. And they will compliment my blue and grey Pfaltzgraff Yorktown dishes very nicely.
I applied 7 coats of polycrylic. Then I need to let the counters cure for a week or two before I set anything real heavy on them, such as my Kitchen Aid mixer. I have only done the kitchen island, and the counter top that is between the living room and kitchen. Later on after this is all cured well, I will do the counter top where my sink and stove top are. For that one I have ordered  Enviro-tex lite. That would give the appearance of 50 coats of varnish in one application.  The cheapest I have found it is $79.99 for a gallon on EBay. That is about half price. I wish I could use it for all the counter tops, but I would need 3 gallons. The polycrylic will be fine for these. In the tutorial, the lady shows counter tops that she did 2 years ago and had used the polycrylic and they still look real nice. For the two counter tops I have done already my total cost $26.75, not bad for "granite" counter tops.  I still have enough Kilz , Deglosser, vinegar and craft paint for the next counter top.
I will let you know how that one turns out when I get it done.

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