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04 March 2012

Re: [DIY] New Gas stove/ Maytag brand


Very often gas appliances have a pressure regulator where the incoming gas line is attached.  These need to be either removed or ins many cases there is a pin which is turned over to prop the regulator full open. NG pressure is 7 WCI (water column inches or 4 OZ at sea level)  While LP is 11 WCI or 11 oz pressure.  If you are trying to cook using LP as NG pressures your family better get used to cold baths and sandwiches.  You might get more help from your LP delivery service as they are supposed to be licensed and understand these things.

Dale in the Flat Lands:  The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it; but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill     

joan e wrote:

Hi, they were back out. Told me, there is no adjustments to make.

I live in such a small town, there isn't anyone else to call. I did read about it now. I won't touch it. I don't feel I know enough to adjust and play with gas.
I don't want to wind up in another state. lol.

After the fact, I see different gas stoves, do put out different BTU
depending on the price you pay. hmmmmm.
I didn't know that when I was shopping. Also wouldn't have known what Btu would boil water in a reasonable amount of time.


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