Cartoon Network

09 May 2012

Re: [DIY] Generator for Home


Find a unit that is available locally and will be installed by a professional with the proper switching for your protection.  You would either need to run extension cords or have a certified transfer switch installed.

Dale in the Flat Lands:-----         Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.      ~Ronald Reagan        

Claudia Satori wrote:

After we sat in darkness for 3 hours last nite, i again kicked myself for not having a generator. I have small emergency power, ups and battery, but nothing big enough for the fridge or furnace.

Fridge - max amps - 4.5
furnace - max amps - 2.8 (gas fired)

would like it to be natural gas fired, since both panel and gas are all in same area.
Suggestions please. not going with auto switch as I never am gone for more than 4 hours.

Tota Tua

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