Cartoon Network

11 January 2012

[DIY] Re: Spaces between hardwood floor pieces


I have a 1905 house with 2 1/4 X 3/4 flooring in three different sizes. On the patch with new flooring (the Smallest) I ripped 3/4 oak on the table saw about 1/16" to put between the boards the blend in between the old and new. some new boards were put together and a spacer maybe every second or third. If you all ready have installed you can still do this above the tongues. If you don't have a table saw find a friend. I have done stuff like this for others as it only takes about five minutes. I think it would look better that just filler. I have not had good success staining filler putty to match and disappear.

--- In, "snafflesnshelties" <snaffles@...> wrote:
> I put recycled oak flooring (3/4 x 3 1/2)in my kitchen. I am not a professional and do not pretend to me.
> Some of the boards have a bit larger gap between them than I would prefer. Before putting polyurethane over the boards, should I put something in those cracks first? How much do I need to sand the flooring before putting on the polyurethane?
> thanks
> Joyce

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