Cartoon Network

14 January 2012

Re: [DIY] Malware links/was (unknown)


From: "Dale S"
> What are these posts? Are they deliberate or do you have a bug in your
> computer?

I'm betting she's been hacked. The 'bug' is likely spewing malware. Click
on the link and you're infected. I've seen a bunch come across in just the
past hour, and not all from Cindy.

If this happens to you, all you need to do is change your password to your
email account. That denies access to the hacker.

I had this happen to me a short while ago, and a friend let me know that my
Yahoo addy (which I keep as a backup, and for joining Yahoo Groups) was
sending out malware. I checked my Yahoo inbox and found that some had been
sent out *and* there were almost a dozen messages in my Drafts folder. All
spam/malware. Thing is...I don't use my Drafts folder for anything, so I'm
guessing the hacker (or bug) sends them out from there. It also makes me
wonder if the bug/infaction may be in Yahoo's archives. Why? Most of the
addys that first batch had been sent to were OLD email addys. So old that
most of the posts bounced back with a Failure notice. Some of those email
addys I haven't written to in over 10 years, and I don't have them in my
contact list, nor do I have old posts from them in my Inbox.

If you'll notice, almost all the email addys affected are Yahoo addys;
although I'm seeing some from AOL.

Sandaidh bean-fhigheadair a' bhreacain

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