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12 January 2012

Re: [DIY] Wall paper removal


I won't repeat all our conversations on this subject recently Jerry, you might find it in the archives.  We didn't have good luck with the steamer we rented, but that might have been just that one.  Found for me, it was easiest to wet the paper with a sponge, let it sit, rewet and let it sit till the paper had softened enough to scrape it off.  There is a line between just wet enough for the paper to come off and so wet that the sheetrock covering pulls off too.  I also found if I had something else to work on while I was waiting for the paper to soften up it wasn't as boring and I had more patience.  It was when I got impatient and started pulling while it was too dry I had problems.  

I'm not sure there is an easy was to remove the old-fashioned wallpaper that was put up to stay.  We had so much trouble in the one bathroom we painted over the paper in the other and frankly, I can't tell the difference, even when I look.  I cleaned the walls with a sponge and a good cleaner, then used an oil-base primer.  Let it it overnight then painted with a good paint, dry overnight and then a second coat.  We did this recently but did a test with primer/paint over the wallpaper in another room a couple of years ago and there are no problems.  In fact, I sometimes check to reassure myself we did indeed paint of that dark burgandy wallpaper with white paint.

On Jan 10, 2012, at 9:37 AM, Jerry Gmail wrote:


Is there any cheap alternative to the spray on wall paper removal chemicals?
I have scored and sprayed away a lot of dollars and the room is still
fighting me.


Google Jer
Woodhaven, Mi

Jan Flood

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