Cartoon Network

28 August 2011



"T" Posts???? Yeah... I wish I could find something I could "plant" one night that would be totally grown in and private by morning!! My mother did a good enough job of constantly watching and commenting on my every move when I was growing up. I sure don't need some nosy neighbor who is "high" all the time keeping track of me, even if he has nothing else to do.

--- In, "PatriceM" <patriceheine@...> wrote:
> The other suggestions were great of course, but we put our own fence up and I think a good answer if you have difficult ground. We did those wire rods (greed, with wedges/openeins in them for easy atatchment of wire fences, I suddenly forget what they're called).
> We used ^ ft hog wire fencing, and did this around almost two acres. One section we do actually have a "nice" wood fence, the perimeter of property alongside my parents, that we went halvsies on. I then planted grave vines on the perimter running E-W, and black and respberyy vines running N-S. IT's taking a season for them to overcome the fence, but it was not as expensive as wood fencing which would eventuallt be covered anyway (we have ligustrum on the other side completely blocking the view, and honeysuckle and asian jasmine on the fencing elswhere. Pro- inexpensive, easy to drive the 8 ft fence poles into the ground ( we did every 10 ft) but Con is that it took a coupel months for the plants to block to give provicy.
> Bamboo, honeysuckle, asian jasmine (if you have the best conditions) are all very fast growing plants if you want to try them.
> I FEEL for you. we're rural, 2 acre neighborhood plots, and I can STAND nieghbors who always seem to see or watch you. We put up the fencing not just for privacy but also bc we have 4 german shepherds, need a good tall fence for these athletic dogs.
> I would fence THAT perimeter up first, if I were you!!! lol

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